Contact Information
Long Term Leasing
Specialty Leasing/Mall Advertising
For more information on leasing opportunities at Baldwin Hills Crenshaw please contact:
Just starting your business, or have a product and want to try retail? Want to expand your existing Specialty Leasing business?
Specialty Leasing is a great opportunity for the entrepreneur. You can own your own retail business quickly and easily. We offer Retail Merchandising Units (RMU‘s), possible vendor kiosk and Short term, Temporary, Seasonal, Incubation or Pop Up store opportunities.
If you are already operating in other malls or locations, Baldwin Hills Crenshaw is a great opportunity in the Los Angeles area to expand your business.
Please email info@baldwinhillscrenshawplaza.com to get started with an information and application package.

Baldwin Hills Crenshaw provides endless possibilities for short-term or seasonal leasing. Space is limited and terms of agreement vary based on type of merchandise sold, space requirements and time of year. Fill out this convenient form, which will be forwarded to Baldwin Hills Crenshaw.